True Love Each Day

"But I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble."(Psalm 59:16)(NIV).

For a long time, my husband has managed our early morning routine before going to work. After my surgery, his morning consisted of helping me with my basic needs of getting out of bed, getting dressed and taking medication.

I am recovered now and can do more, but I still find mornings especially painful. However, if I manage my morning properly, I find special ways to show my husband kindness and serve him. He would gladly continue the morning routine for us, but it’s important for me to give something back and show him love.

So I’ve made it a point to try to awaken before him, get out of bed, take my medication early and takeover. I make our coffee; I make his lunch to take to work; I feed our cats. Then we have time to sit and chat before he leaves. I make no special display, just do simple things, but he knows what’s in my heart. He knows I want to, need to give back to him and I know he appreciates it.

And so I am rewarded.

God knows too all the little things we do from our hearts for Him and for others. And He knows when physically they are more difficult for us. Even though the things we do may be small, they are all the more tremendous to God because He knows what we go through to do them. He gives us the strength to get through not only our morning but also our entire day. As we accept His everlasting love, it flows through us to others. He is our Almighty Fortress. As we take refuge in Him, He helps us persevere and continue to serve Him.

"Dear God, Thank you for filling us with Your strength and love each day. Even though we have difficulties, may everything we do be done in true love, as inspired by Your love for us. Amen." (1 Corinthians 16:14).

Doris Farley experiences chronic pain that began after an accident. Her circumstances have led to an unexpected, life-changing spiritual journey that has renewed her commitment to our Lord. She thanks God for reaching her and prays that He will reach you also, through the words He gives her to write for you. You may write to her at