Are You Facing Crossroads, Filled with Uncertainty?

When you face crossroads of choice regarding your health, where do you turn to make those decisions?

“This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.'” (Jeremiah 6:16)

Have you been faced with hard decisions and fretfully wondering which way would be the best path to take? Often when we are dealing with health issues we feel perplexed and frustrated.We have gone from doctor to doctor seeking answers, perhaps seeking a diagnosis or a new treatment to bring relief from the symptoms we are experiencing.

This has been the case for my family as we are dealing with my youngest son’s pain. Though he is only 2, he suffers greatly from back pain. We have spent the last 7 years seeking diagnosis and a treatment to bring relief.

Though we have finally received a diagnosis we recently have come to such a crossroad; because of his age he was not eligible for the most optimum treatment for his condition. What should we do? As his parents we prayed, asked our Lord: “What path should we take, Lord? Show us where to go, what to do, bring us and him to the ancient path, the path of rest and relief of pain for him.”

After much prayer we have gone a totally different direction in his care, relying on God’s strength and wisdom. We are asking Him ultimately to be in control, as always, and grant us and our son His peace.

It can be hard when seeking answers, especially when the search seems to take such a long time. God sometimes requires us to be patient for much longer than we would like to be.

In Romans 12:12 He encourages us “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

This has been my verse for a few months now. Focusing on being joyful in hope, remembering I have hope–always–in my Lord. I believe He loves me and my son and desires the best for us, the best being a life lived to the fullest, even if that means living with chronic illness, in pain or out of pain.

Being patient in affliction is difficult, both for me and my son. That is where the prayer comes in. Prayer includes not only those said for my son, but for the many others I know here in my community and those I have read of who suffer with illness on a daily basis. The amazing thing is that with all of it, God creates a circle with this verse, to constantly renew and refresh, so that then I begin again with the joy! Rejoicing in Yahweh-Nissi (God My Banner), God of hope and redemption.

Prayer: Father, I pray that as each of us face decisions every day, be it health-related or other matters, that we will first stop, facing the crossroads You have put before us, and seek Your direction. Help us to be obedient to Your will, even when it requires us to be patient a little longer than we would prefer. We thank You, Lord, that You are our Yahweh-Nissi: Our God of Hope, and we know You desire only the best for our lives and the lives of those we love. Amen.

About the author:
Diane Kalata lives in the central Florida area. She has three grown children and her wonderful husband offers much support. She enjoys leading a women’s bible study group as well as a chronic pain and illness support group. She also goes on mission trips in the summers, as God allows, enjoying the opportunity to minister to others in need. Diane is a four-and-half-year colon cancer survivor. She deals with severe digestive issues resulting from chemo damage, also with sphincter odi syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome and and fibromyalgia. She desires to be a blessing and testimony to the Lord of her life.

When you are facing crossroads and need to make a decision, what do you rely on to find that answer? How do you make a decision when you don’t feel an overwhelming sense of God’s voice directing you?

When facing crossroads in your own life how do you hear God’s voice through all the noise of friends or the opinion of the world? Rachael Lampa sings “I’m All Yours” in this video that expresses these exact feelings. I hope you enjoy. -Lisa