Patience Is a Gift We Give Ourselves

Have you ever been stretched to the limit when it comes to patience? Laura explains why patience will be rewarded by our Lord–even if not in our circumstances sometimes.

“Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.” (Proverbs 14: 29)

Sixteen months–I waited 16 months for a doctor appointment. It was not by choice. That is how long it took to secure an appointment with one of the top specialists for my condition in the country. I didn’t think I would ever get to see him, but it finally occurred. After traveling 300 miles each way, I saw this world-renowned cardiologist–the man who conducted volumes of research on my particular disorder.

It was a remarkable doctor’s appointment. He spent more than two hours with my husband and me, answering all our questions. He treated me like a person and even quoted the Bible. The doctor is a great historian, evident by many stories; a human being; a person who understands that the medical journey patients are on is not pleasant and his empathy showed through. He listened, explained and understood.

Patience is so difficult, but with chronic illness these is often no other choice. We wait for doctor’s appointments; tests to be scheduled; results and then decisions to be made. Sometimes we wait to get better–but oftentimes that does not occur.

It has been nearly six months since that visit and I am preparing for another 600-mile journey. I have more questions to ask; symptoms to explore, decisions to make. I also have the knowledge that he will listen, and try to do his best to help me with this life-long condition. It is an act of faith and great patience.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for allowing this doctor into my life and for giving me the patience to wait for him. Please help others in difficult situations maintain their faith as they pray for guidance to their health situations. Amen.

About the author:
Laura Seil Ruszczyk lives in New York with her husband and three kids. She retired from her job as an elementary school counselor in 2012. She is writing a book about her struggles with dysautonomia _ a neurological condition in which the autonomic nervous system malfunctions, affected such things as blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and temperature regulation.

Have you found it difficult to have patience while dealing with your medical situation. If so, how has your faith helped you with this?

“Steady On” with Point of Grace explains well our road trip with patience. Hope you enjoy it. -Lisa