Do I Want To ‘Have None Of It’?

none-of-itStrength that can come from quietness… Unless you are one who will have none of it. Fiona explains.

“This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it'” (Isaiah 30:15).

Recently, I noticed the two sets of words in this verse. They seemed another timely reminder for me.

‘Repentance’ and ‘rest’.

It was another of those times when I wasn’t getting quality sleep and some nights, much sleep at all. I was exhausted and stressing about the fact that I wasn’t sleeping. You know how that only makes it harder!

Was I trying to do all this on my own again? Had I forgotten that I need to leave the worries in God’s hands? To let Him decide how I use my waking or resting hours? Maybe I needed to repent for the things I’d tried to hold myself, when I needed God to be in control. Maybe then, I’d rest better. . . rest with God and in His care.

‘Quietness’ and ‘trust’.

There’d been so much “noise” in my head, so many things on my mind lately. Had I been taking the time to be quiet before God? Or was I so preoccupied with myself, my pain and my problems–even other people and problems they were facing–that I wasn’t allowing God to direct my thoughts and actions?

Trust is something that God seems to highlight frequently. God’s proven Himself worthy of my trust, so many times before. Yet was it coming to mind because I wasn’t trusting as I should? Did I need to let go more and be quieted before God, so that I could trust all to Him?

The end of this verse is ‘strength’–not a word I’d use to describe my physical attributes in any sense.

It would be good to think that my life demonstrates a different kind of strength–the strength I have available from God, that makes the difference in my life, and certainly helps in the daily challenges of chronic illness.

I don’t want to “have none of it” as was said of Judah here. So I need to be humbly resting in the power of my salvation. I need to be quietly trusting in the One who brings me strength, even when I’m weak.

Prayer: Father God, You “long to be gracious” and “rise to show compassion.” You call us “blessed who wait for You” (Isaiah 30:18). I don’t want to “have none of that.” Help me–and all who read this–to rest quietly with You and trust You for all our tomorrows. Amen.

About the Author:
Fiona Burrows lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is thankful that God walks each step of her life with her, and that He is teaching her new things as she learns to live with chronic back pain. She enjoys finding time for reading, writing, and photography, and to share those things with others. You can contact her in the Sunroom, or read more of her writing on her blog there.

Are there things you need to hand back, or over to God’s care, so you can rest in Him and trust Him better? What reminds you to do this?

It is easy to tell God we trust Him completely but then cut His voice off when we don’t like what He is saying. This is the group Discipline singing “After the World.” Through the song the lyrics share how God must ask us, ‘wasn’t I there?’ Hugs. – Lisa

2 thoughts on “Do I Want To ‘Have None Of It’?

  1. thank you so much for this! lately we have been doing this Bible study on resting in God and this fits so perfectly with that we have been learning! i really am so horrible at being quiet and resting. God is teaching me so much through this season of hardships and your words helped me to realize how i can apply it in my life and helped me to see that resting in God is really trusting in Him! thank you so much!! God bless!

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