Can Your Soul Find Rest in Hardships

restRest can be hard to find in the midst of illness and all of life’s other struggles. Laura shares how.

“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken” (Psalm 62:1-2).

While living with chronic illness, it becomes frustrating when everyday problems escalate or a crises hits. It is as if the chronic illness isn’t enough. Now we must deal with additional stressors! A broken-down car, sick child, marital problems, or something else.

Have you ever wondered or even asked God what He is doing? Telling Him you have enough to deal with? I’ve had moments like that during my four-year journey with dysautonomia and I’m guessing you have too. I usually give myself a few days to dwell in my situation ( i.e. feel sorry for myself), then I have to figure out how to step out of it.

I have made some close friends–even though we have never met over the computer. One dear friend called recently stuck in a low point.

In addition to her physical problems many stressors were invading her life. She loves God–in fact, she is a spiritual mentor to me–but at this time she didn’t feel loved. She felt abandoned, confused, and a bit mad that life was throwing amazing hardships her way.

I can’t begin to understand her situation, but she has heard me at low points too. She has reminded me of one thing–God is with us and is our stronghold. We make it through these difficult times even though we don’t believe we can and then we look back and see God’s hand all along.

Some situations are harder to grasp but we do. We trust God, we pray, and we love.

We ended our conversation by sharing my favorite verse. It has provided comfort many times:

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge” (Psalm 62: 5-8).

Prayer: Dear Lord, Please bless those struggling with additional stressors right now. Help them to see that despite these difficulties Your love will comfort and guide them through each day. In Your name, Amen.

About the author:
Laura Seil Ruszczyk lives in New York with her husband and three kids. She retired from her job as an elementary school counselor in 2012. She is writing a book about her struggles with dysautonomia–a neurological condition in which the autonomic nervous system malfunctions, affected such things as blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and temperature regulation.

What Bible verse do you rely on to provide comfort during challenging times?

This is a song I heard on the radio in the car, so at a stoplight I snapped a photo of it so I wouldn’t forget it! It is Percy Bady singing “I Won’t Give Up.”

It has a good bouncy beat to it and I think the lyrics will hit home with you. This would be one of those great songs to play when you have some fun plans and yet you feel like calling and canceling. Blast this song and jump into the shower as you get ready to go and tell God, “I won’t give up!” – Lisa