Surviving The Holidays When You are Ill

holidaysWondering how you will survive the requirements of the next few days? Karlton shares.

“But those who suffer He delivers in their suffering; He speaks to them in their affliction.” (Job 36:15)

This has been a tough year for me. And just when it looked like I might get a break at the end of the year, a new problem has arisen to wrap me again in anxiety and frustration. I find myself asking, “This has been such a lousy year Lord, couldn’t I just get a break in the final month of the year?”

We deserve a break. Those of us with chronic illnesses and diseases could use a break around the holidays. But too frequently we find that not only do we need to endure, to carry onward while fighting with our ill bodies, we must now add in the challenges of the holidays, new stresses, family get togethers, shopping, financial difficulties, numerous “extras” on top of our everyday challenges.

I have no easy answer for you. I can only tell you that we are in it together, and I encourage you to try and find moments of quiet and peace, perhaps some holiday music, maybe enjoy a holiday dinner. In some way try to find your joy and a measure of enjoyment despite your challenges.

Some people will never understand just how blessed they are. Perhaps their flight is delayed, or the gift the hoped to purchase is sold out, or some other seemingly huge problem will steal their holiday joy. But for those who are suffering, it may be a struggle to find an instance of enjoyment, or to just survive the holidays.

Your holiday enjoyment may come down to this, having no external reason to be happy, having nothing on the outside to give you joy, you may need to ask the Lord to give you joy and peace from within, and to choose happiness in spite of your condition or situation. Let’s celebrate the goodness of God, looking above and beyond our added challenges and difficulties this holiday season.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we are in pain, we are suffering and hurting and have little strength, let Your joy be our strength, and help us to rise above our difficulties as You give us comfort from within. Amen.

About the Author:
Karlton Douglas lives in Ohio with his lovely wife. He loves the holiday season despite its challenges and frustrations.

Are struggling just to survive the holidays? Ask the Lord to give You His peace and presence in this challenging time.

If you are wondering where that Christmas-y feeling is this season, this song, “Where Are You, Christmas?” with Faith Hill may touch you deeply. There are times when we wonder if our life determines the Christmas feeling. But it’s supposed to be the other way around. Christmas–and Jesus’ birth–is supposed to determine how we feel about life. Bless you. -Lisa

4 thoughts on “Surviving The Holidays When You are Ill

  1. Karlton, thank you for this honest and encouraging look at the holidays. I am saying extra prayers for you and your wife as you face new challenges, and endure the old. Heart Hugs, and may you have a very Merry Christmas ❤ Shelly

    • Thank you Shelly. It does look like a bit of an uphill climb to enjoy this Christmas, but I’m stubbornly determined to do so 🙂
      I pray you and your family have a great Christmas.

    • Audrey, maybe I will start a new tradition of making gingerbread men, writing the word ‘devil’ on them, and bite off all the heads lol. He has caused me enough problems this year.
      But I will try to focus on Jesus instead. My blessings count up much larger than my challenges.
      Praying you and your family have a great Christmas.

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