Having a Childlike Faith About Our Circumstances

childIf you had the faith of a child how would it impact your circumstances? Vicki shares.

“Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God. . . ” (1 Chronicles 22:19)

I’m a lot like my two-year-old granddaughter. She already knows when things are unfair. Another little boy slid down the slide next to her. Sofie marched up to her mother and reported the offense. “What was that?” Her accusatory tone indicated things were terribly wrong with the simultaneous descent.

Admittedly, I lodge complaints to God. “Why would you give me the desire to teach if I can no longer educate students? It’s not fair that my teaching career has been cut short when I still have so much to offer.”

But another one of Sofie’s comments reminds me of God’s power and love.

“No bugs in here,” stated Sofie from her car seat.

Before I had the chance to inquire about that comment, her mother passed Sofie a plastic spider explaining, “Sofie loves insects.”

I reflected on bugs. Though I despise them, I love the message of God’s power revealed in the plagues. He used plagues so Pharaoh would know that He is Lord. God, who held back the countless bugs from bothering the Israelites (Exodus 8:22), can reveal His power and love in my life.

I can rest in His sovereignty knowing His plans are perfect.

Still, it’s hard to understand God’s plans. His ways aren’t like ours. We often wonder if He’s still listening. We pray for direction and expect fast-food type answers: instant responses. Heavenly silence is hard to endure.

“Are You still there, God?”

Sofie’s game of hide and seek provides a picture of God’s abiding presence. Our cute toddler covers her eyes and says, “Where’s Sofie?” Then she flings her arms to the side like a victorious gymnast and proclaims, “Ta-DA!”

Sofie was hiding in plain sight. God is in plain sight. He desires that we seek Him. He’s waiting to be found with open arms.

Prayer: Abba, Thank You for Your promise in 1 Chronicles 28:9 that if I seek You, You will be found. I’m grateful I can trust You even when I can’t track You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

About the Author:
Vicki understands special needs as a patient, parent, and professor. She has had multiple sclerosis since 1993. Her 33-year-old son was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Through her blog, she reaches out to other mothers of children with mental illness. http://mentalillnessmom2mom.net/ and she has a new picture book about bullying:
Heart Eyes: Beth and the Bullies., http://www.hearteyes.net

Has God used little ones to provide you with His assurances and insight? To help you hink like a child?

“This Baby” with Steven Curtis Chapman is a beautiful reminder that Jesus was just a baby. When was the last time you held a new born baby? Even though we know the Christmas story, isn’t it still hard to imagine that the King of Kings was once wrapped in clothes and laid in a trough that fed animals? He cried, he napped and there were cheers for his first steps. And yet, this baby made the angels sing! Hope this blesses you. -Lisa