When Loneliness Kicks In, God Will Sustain You

“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me” (Psalm 3:5).

As a single person who’s chronically ill, I’ve gone through many medical tests and procedures by myself. Occasionally, my friend or my sister goes with me, but many visits I go in alone and I come out alone. Experiencing such loneliness at a time of unknown is disheartening to say the least.

Recently, I underwent a new treatment and as I was heading in to the doctor’s office, I received two text messages and an email on my phone letting me know I was prayed for and thought of (BIG thank you to my two friends Karen, Kim, and sister Gretchen). That meant the world to me. But more importantly, they reminded me that I wasn’t alone because God was with me!

I knew going in to this procedure that I was a little nervous about it. I tend to feel lonely at these times so prior to this appointment I had done a few things to remind myself God was right there. First, I found several verses in the Psalms that encouraged me. I took a picture of those passages with my cell phone so I would always have them with me. (You got to love technology these days.)

Second, I made it a point to tell others where I was going and asked for prayers. If you don’t share your struggles and burdens then how can others help you? Thirdly, I meditated on Scripture before, during, and after my procedure. Scripture always calms my heart. Lastly, I prayed and thanked God for being with me. The best thing about prayer is you can pray anytime, anywhere–even in a waiting room–and no one even knows your praying!

Going to this appointment by myself wasn’t fun, but I left there renewed and at peace because I really wasn’t alone at all. God sustained me and brought me through it. God helps me through each and every day–even those days where it’s hard to get out of bed–He still sustains me.

I hope you are reminded that you are never alone. May you feel God’s presence wherever you are!

Prayer: Dear God, I do feel so alone sometimes. Knowing You are right there with me encourages me greatly. Thank you for helping me through every part of my day. Amen.

About the Author:
Bridget Gazlay resides in beautiful West Michigan. She struggles with fibromyalgia, endometriosis, IBS, kidney stones, and migraines. She works full time but writes and designs fabric art on the side. Bridget’s prayer is that anyone who comes across her writing or artwork would see she allows, “God’s creation to be my inspiration.” Find out more about Bridget at, http://www.pfccreations.com.

You can now read this on your Kindle. Find out more at http://TodaysDevotionOnKindle.com

What things do you do to help make it through your doctor appointments?

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5 thoughts on “When Loneliness Kicks In, God Will Sustain You

  1. Hi Bridget…I never really felt lonely going to doc appts alone. I actually prefer being alone. I have been suffering with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis since birth and my whole life has been about getting to appointments. I have some bad memories of mom crying or my brother giving my folks a hard time if asked to drive me. When I became an adult I just wanted to go myself, without drama or feeling like a burden. If I think the news will be bad, I take my father. He is more objective. So I guess it depends on a persons experiences with having others around for an appointment that dictates the emotion.

  2. I really enjoyed reading what you wrote. I have endo and fibro also along with pcos and I know how lonely it can feel sometimes. Even though I have my husband who is wonderful its hard when no one around you truly understands what you are feeling and going through. I have found a lot of great support groups(on facebook believe it or not) and have learned from them that I am not alone, that there are millions of women out there feeling what i am feeling and going through the same surgeries,tests, and hormone treatments that I am. I never thought about taking pics of Scripture with me but that’s a great idea! And I agree the best thing about praying is you can do it anywhere anytime! 🙂 Thank you for writing and know that you are never alone!

  3. Maria – you are right – just because you go to appointments alone, doesn’t mean you’ll automatically feel alone. I don’t mind going by myself most of the time, but there are times when I really wish I had someone with me! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Joy – thanks for the comments. Facebook can be a good resource to meet other like-minded people (who also happen to share similar experiences). I’ve recently begun praying Scripture for several close friends and that has helped my own loneliness tremendously! It’s amazing when you start focusing on other people how that changes your outlook on things!

  5. exactly!! not only does it help us when we are helping others but ive also learned that God uses my illnesses and suffering as a way for me to meet others and speak to them about God as well as comfort them and in return God comforts me!

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