A Thanksgiving Banquet We Can All Serve

serve2Regardless of our financial position or our health status, we can all give a banquet today. Bronlynn explains.

“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6).

“Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34).

Two of the things I associate most with Thanksgiving are thanks and food. In my NIV worship Bible there is a prayer based on Colossians 4:6 which I think is very appropriate for the Thanksgiving season.

“O Lord, may my heart overflow with worship. May my conversation be a feast of life: May Christ be the bread and Your Spirit the wine, may praise be the fruit and grace the salt, may love be the table and wisdom the candle. May I always be prepared to feed anyone who hungers for the hope that I have in Christ.”

This is a beautiful word picture of a meal we can offer to others, whether we are healthy or not. It doesn’t require physical labor, but it may require labors of love, sacrifice, and self-discipline. There is no monetary cost, but we may pay with patience, forgiveness, and acceptance of others.

The beauty of these elements surpasses any earthly holiday decorations, and they are appropriate for any season of the year. The food causes no allergies and is safe for any health condition–in fact it will strengthen the bodies and souls of those who serve it and hose who receive it.

We can serve this meal from a banquet table or a bedside one. If we are alone this holiday, we can send care packages of this feast to any location through notes, phone calls, and emails. It is very well-preserved and can travel anywhere.

There are no shortages of these elements, and they are always accessible, provided we go to the right Supplier.

This Thanksgiving, may the thanks in our hearts overflow through our mouths, and may we find ways to offer this feast of blessing to others.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, regardless of how I am feeling or what my circumstances are this Thanksgiving, let my words be a feast of thanks to You and a testimony of Your presence in my life to others.

About the author:
Bronlynn Spindler lives in North Carolina and is blessed to have the support and encouragement of a wonderful husband and three grown daughters, two wonderful sons-in-law, and one more coming into the family this month. God’s grace and strength have brought her through thyroid cancer and continue to sustain her through ongoing back pain, depression, headaches, multiple sensitivities, eye pain, and fibromyalgia. You may view her blog of devotionals at http://www.aplaceofsprings57.blogspot.com.

Can you think of ways that your conversation could be a feast of life to someone this Thanksgiving, showing Christ through grace, love, wisdom, and praise?

This is the song “My Own Little World” with Matthew West. The lyrics are a good reminder that we can all make a difference. We know that many of you are spending today alone and we hope that you will take this opportunity to join us in the Sunroom for a chat at 1 PM at USA Pacific time to just connect with other people. And take a few minutes today to do something for someone. Write a note card to someone and drop it in tomorrow’s mail. Text a friend who is also spending the day alone and just tell her you are thinking of her.

We can each make a difference and only God will know how MUCH of a difference the smallest thing can make when He multiplies it. Happy Thanksgiving. -Lisa