The Many Opportunities for Waiting On The Lord When We Are Ill

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I put my hope.” (Psalm 130:5)

Illness has taught me patience. I’ve learned not to fret when my day involves a lot of waiting–at the doctor’s office, at the pharmacy, or at the physical therapy center–the list is endless. Even one of the prescriptions I take involves waiting an hour after I take it before I can eat breakfast.

Waiting patiently has spilled over into other areas of my life. Traffic, long lines at the store, or waiting for tardy family members no longer give me fits.

However, one of the hardest times for me to wait is when I’m in the midst of a flare-up and all I’m capable of doing is lying in bed. Often, I listen to music or watch television or read to keep myself distracted, but eventually the worry and frustration work their way to the surface. Some days I feel sad and closed in. Other days I feel guilty that I am not doing things around the house.

I have found that the only true comfort I get is from the Lord and His Word. When I feel overwhelmed, I know that I can turn to God, and He will calm my anxious mind. Meditating on the promises in His Word allows me to find peace and hope. Reminding myself of His love for me helps me to calm down and look for ways to pour my heart out to Him and to praise Him.

For the last few months, I have spent more time in bed, flat on my back, breathing through the pain and spasms. Even in these circumstances, I sense the presence of God, and I feel encouraged to hold on and trust that His goodness will prevail.

Prayer: Father, thank You for your steadfast love and for each and every promise in Your word.

About the Author:
Dorothea lives in California with her family. Although she has endured the challenges of chronic illness for more than 20 years, she trusts in God’s grace to help her get through each day. Visit her in the Sunroom.

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Which promise of God gives you the most comfort and assurance when you are in the midst of a trial?

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