Remembering To Give Comfort Even When We Are in Pain

“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for He has been good to me.” (Psalm 13:5-6)

Summer is a time when my husband and I are very busy with volunteer work at a Christian Conference Center. We really enjoy our helping and feel so fulfilled as we feel we are doing the Lord’s work as we watch so many young people grow in their faith. I start out the morning feeling so alive and full of joy. As the day goes on and I have been on my feet for a long time, the pain from neuropathy gets severe and the constant burning and frustrating hurting increases.

At times like this, I make a real effort to take a few minutes and reflect on what’s really important in this life and my heart rejoices. What a blessing to be able to trust in the Lord’s unfailing love and in salvation. I know God how been good to me and has blessed me in so many ways and to stop and reflect somehow seems to make the pain less troublesome.

Earlier this week, I was thinking about how many times in the past weeks, folks had shared with me about their pain and trials. I reflected and it occurred to me that I had not really “listened” carefully and heard their concerns–especially when I was in pain. Perhaps they did not know the joy I felt from knowing the Lord’s care and blessings.

What a real opportunity we have to reach out to others, to listen to their concerns and to help them know the blessings of God. As we do this, even when we are hurting, we are rejoicing and this often helps us not focus so much on ourselves.

Prayer: Lord, give us wisdom and strength and a desire to reach out to others. As we listen to their concerns, may we know a joy that passes all understanding. It is hard to give comfort when we are in pain, but that is when You provide exactly what the person needs, not in our strength, but in Yours. Amen.

About the author:
Patricia Armstrong lives in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with her husband, Richard. She deals with a painful nerve disease but is so thankful that rejoicing in the Lord helps her know true peace.

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Can you find one way each day to reach out to someone who could feel delight in your encouragement? Have you ever wanted to give comfort when you were in pain and just couldn’t find the energy?

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