We Need The Word Of The Lord, Especially When In Pain

“‘As for Me, this is My covenant with them,’ says the Lord. ‘My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and My words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants–from this time on and forever,’ says the Lord.” (Isaiah 59:20-21)

We need God’s word, especially those of us with afflictions and disabilities. I know, it can be daunting to pick up that big book called The Bible, particularly when you are ill.

I have sometimes found myself letting God’s word slip away from me. There are days when I’m too tired to do anything, including reading the Bible. But those of us with disabilities need to read God’s Word as much, if not more, than those without afflictions.

Perhaps some encouraging self-talk can help us, give us the push we need to pick up that big wonderful book. Okay, so you are not up to reading The Book of Isaiah, well neither am I. But how about just a small section from one of the gospels? Or a few psalms? Or if nothing else, meditate on just a few verses? I think we can do that even on bad days, and we need God’s Word even more on those days.

We don’t need to read the Bible in a single sitting to be fed from God’s Word. Even a few passages a day can lift our spirit and encourage our heart. You are probably reading this via email or on the web, so why not subscribe to one of the numerous web sites or email groups that send out daily Bible verses? If you are on your computer you would only need to open an email. And there are also audio Bibles that you can listen to while lying down or just about anywhere.

Some days it may be difficult to even get out of bed, but we do ourselves a disfavor when we neglect the Word of God. Take time to feed your spirit, to lift your heart, to remind yourself of the promises of God. We are empowered by God’s word, this is what I remind myself of, and I encourage you to read God’s Word and be reminded of just how wonderful it is.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to be faithful in reading and applying Your word to our lives. Amen.

About the Author:
Karlton Douglas lives in Ohio with his lovely wife. Years of reading God’s word has given him much encouragement.

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Do you sometimes find reading the Bible daunting? Have you ever felt strengthened or encouraged by reading the Bible?

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